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1-   Key expert for “Innovation gate” project under the umbrella of the reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVETII. The project had an outreach of 2.5 million students’, within 2472 vocational schools spreading across 27 governorates in Egypt. The main outputs of the project were first to design, and implement an Innovation curriculum for the first year secondary students, second was to initiate a nationwide competition to foster innovation amongst technical education students. All of the reports were submitted to the Egyptian government represented by the TVETII, and the European Union

2-   Senior non-key expert for entrepreneurship for “Enhancing the employability of Youth and unemployed/low skilled workers and improving their transition to employment” SWTU project under the umbrella of the reform of Technical and Vocational Education and Training TVETII. The project had an outreach of 2.5 million students’, within 2472 vocational schools spreading across 27 governorates in Egypt. The main output of the project was to train 500 teachers about understanding, and delivering the new “Entrepreneurship and Innovation” curriculum targeting vocational education students in Egypt. The professional reports submitted to the Egyptian government represented by the TVETII, and the European Union

  1. Consultant in topics including strategic planning, and innovation for 10 inclusive businesses under the TAKAMOL project implemented by in Egypt by GIZ (The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH, often shortened to simply GIZ, is a German development agency headquartered in Bonn and Eschborn that provides services in the field of international development cooperation).

  2. Consultant for Bapetco (an Egyptian company working under the general petroleum authority, in partnership with SHELL company) continuous improvement program, through follow up and coaching,2014-2017. The consultancy was in collaboration with AUC executive education, and the result was: 30 new projects implemented within Bapetco.

6-   Worked as a trainer, and consultant with transparency international (German non-governmental organization) chapter in Yemen. The title of the workshop “Capacity assessment tool and strategic planning development” for the Yemen team for transparency and integrity with 9 participants and 40 working hours,2015. The main deliverable submitted was: A strategic plan for the transparency international chapter’ in Yemen.

  1. Worked as a consultant for the ZAYTUN project for olive processing with a role of identifying the training needs TNA for middle management, 2013.

 8-  Consultant for the international labor organization ILO developed a study under the name “KAB Egypt business plans and methodology: a critical review”,2013.

9-   Consultant for the international labor organization ILO developed a TOR under the name “Entrepreneurship centers: the future of youth in Egypt from theory to reality,2013”.

10- Consultant for the expert in residence and expert in house initiative at the women entrepreneurship and leadership WEL developed by Wharton school of business and Goldman Sachs at the American university in Cairo,2012.

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